1 Timothy 4:12
"Be thou an example of the
believer, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in
purity." Let's look at what a Christian should be.
First, we are to be examples
in word (logos), the manner in which we talk or write, to be Christ like.
Remember He was the word from the beginning, so let us be examples of
Next, in conversation
(anastrophe), it means the way we live, our behavior. People are watching you,
they are watching us! Are we Christ like in our conversation?
Paul asked about charity
(agape). This is love as God loves. We are to love one another, to love God,
ever to love our enemies! How are you doing in this department?
What about spirit (pneuma).
This is that which we can't see or touch, but is the inner person where we meet
and know God. Have you met with Him today (we must worship in spirit).
Also in faith (pistis), we
know that faith is the substance of things not seen. It's trust, belief,
faithfulness, yes that substance by which you were saved. Faith cometh by
hearing, so are we listening to God?
Last, Paul speaks of purity
(hagneia). This deals with moral cleanness. The flesh is lustful and sensual
and we are called unto godliness and purity so we are to deny self and live unto
Christ. Many have fallen into fornication, adultery, even pornography (if you
look upon a woman with lust you have committed adultery in your heart). Are
your thoughts pure?
So Paul calls on us to be
"be thou" examples, how are you doing?
God Bless
Bro. John Lancaster
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