give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.
1Timothy 5:14
Please let me say this first, what you read here in no way disagrees with what I wrote earlier about a woman’s purpose. In our purpose to "help" our husbands, our homes should be in order. Whether we live in a car, boat house...in order to keep that man happy and complete him the way we were intended to...where we "lay our hat" so to speak, is all included. To rear with children He blesses us with, to provide a place that is a retreat for the man God sent us to.
1. We find here that with one sweep of the pen the Divine Spirit unfolds His plan and purpose for the woman.
2. God’s plan for the woman is homemaking. There is no higher goal that women may desire or achieve. There is no nobler calling for her upon earth. Within her god-appointed realm she moves as a queen; outside that realm in rebellion she is trouble.
3. More instructions to the homemaker are given in Titus 2:4,5--That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, (5) To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
4. There is a basic problem related to the crumbling family structure in America that is generally overlooked. That basic problem is that we have more homeforsakers than we have homemakers. According to statistics I have read--only 25% of American households have a working father as the whole source of income.That means that 75% of American homes are functioning contrary to and in rebellion of God’s order for the home.I can’t tell you how many times I have been approached by ladies who are so stressed out (the ones I speak of here work outside the home) and can’t understand why …they often come to me because they think with 9 children I must have the secret for the peace they are searching for.
The answer to this stress is simple. Let the women go back home where God wants them, and let them be what God intends for them to be-HOMEMAKERS!
HOMEMAKERS 1. A homemaker is, “one whose occupation is household management (Webster)
This is God’s instructions to the women in 1 Timothy 5:14, ”guide the house”and Titus 2:5 “keepers at home”. An occupation is that which occupies or engages one’s time and attention. There is no such thing as an accidental home. Homes are the result of those who are occupied with homemaking.
2. There is a growing need for strong churches, but it is not possible to have strong churches without strong homes. It is not possible to have strong homes without homemakers.
3. A good Old Testament example of a homemaker is found in Genesis 18:9-And they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, Behold, in the tent. Abraham didn’t wonder where his wife was, and he didn’t have to go check. He answered quickly, “Behold in the tent.”Abraham and Sarah had no children as yet at this time, but her place was still “in the tent” a homemaker.
4. Homemaking is a full-time job; it reminds me of that old adage “Mans work is from sun to sun, a woman’s work is never done”. (My mom was a wise ol gal)
5. Homemaking requires a character of strict discipline and the gumption to press on day after day, and to do the numberless chores, tasks and duties. The reason many have rebelled at their God-appointed place is because they are just plain lazy; another is they don’t really care about anything but themselves; and then there’s the sin of covetousness, wanting to be like the “Jones’s”!
6. Listen ladies, Homemaking is a profession of its own. In proverbs 31:10-31 we find an account of a homemaker-
A. She is classified as a virtuous woman (v. 10)
B. She is a help to her husband (v. 11-12).
C. She is a wise shopper (v.13-14).
D. She is a faithful cook (v. 16).
E. She has things growing at home (v. 16).
F. She is diligent (v.17, 18, & 28).
G. She is busy with sewing (v.19).
H. She is full of compassion (v. 20).
I. She looks ahead for the family- not taken by surprise. (v. 21-22).
One reward reserved only for the homemaker is seen Proverbs 31:28a: ”Her children arise up and call her blessed”. Another is found later in that same verse; ”her husband also, and he praiseth her.”Oh, the beauty of such a queen! It’s the beauty of the soul shining through the face. The saddest sight is a woman who has spent her youth worshipping her beauty and her face. Her charms begin to vanish. She tries to cover the wrinkles and hide them, the footprints remain and she can not hide them. There is a beauty that remains in the life of one who has ruled well that wrinkles cannot tarnish. When one has been in the will of God. This beauty does not escape because of time. When in the will of God, you’re beautiful. You have the beauty of one who sat upon the throne. Have you ever stopped to think about this? When the Bible talks about the beauty of Jesus, it doesn’t say His hair was coal black. When it talks about how beautiful Jesus is, it doesn’t say His hair was golden blond. No, when it talks about the loveliness of our Saviour, it says His hair was white as snow!
Yours is a lofty calling. Yes you can fight for your rights, equal pay for equal jobs. You can don your pants and go to the factory, or even be Mayor or some such thing. But whatever throne you trade for the one you belong in will be a step down for sure. For she who rules the place God made for her-rules the greatest!OK, so here is my challenge to you, go back to your home and realize the position that God has given to you. Grab your scepter! Maybe it is a spatula, a stirring spoon, look at them and say, “ your not a spatula…you’re a scepter". We need to come to a place in our lives when we see where we have fallen short…and say to God “You’re RIGHT--I’m WRONG! And surrender all to Him.
Ladies please don’t misunderstand, I know there are circumstances sometimes that prohibit us from being able to be the homemaker that God wants us to be. There are broken homes, and not always because we as women have been the reason. There are some of you that have husbands who insist you work. Only God can change these situations…I have written this not to “point a finger”, but rather in love with a desire to show others what the Lord has shown me through the years. Blessings to all.
Mom of 9's Place
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