"Twas The Night Before Jesus Came"

'Twas the night before Jesus came and all through the house Not a creature was praying, not one in the house. Their Bibles were lain on the shelf without care In hopes that Jesus would not come there. The children were dressing to crawl into bed. Not once ever kneeling or bowing a head.And Mom in her rocker with baby on her lap Was watching the Late Show while I took a nap. When out of the East there arose such a clatter. I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash! When what to my wondering eyes should appear But angels proclaiming that Jesus was here. With a light like the sun sending forth a bright ray I knew in a moment this must be THE DAY! The light of His face made me cover my head It was Jesus! returning just like He had said. And though I possessed worldly wisdom and wealth, I cried when I saw Him in spite of myself. In the Book of Life which He held in His hand Was written the name of every saved man. He spoke not a word as He searched for my name; When He said "it's not here" my head hung in shame. The people whose names had been written with love He gathered to take to His Father above. With those who were ready He rose without a sound. While all the rest were left standing around. I fell to my knees, but it was too late; I had waited too long and thus sealed my fate. I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight; Oh, if only I had been ready tonight. In the words of this poem the meaning is clear; The coming of Jesus is drawing near. There's only one life and when comes the last call We'll find that the Bible was true after all!

written by Unknown Author

Monday, February 23, 2015

Our Special Needs Child is VERY limited to where he can go and what he can do in our very small 2 bedroom trailer.

We are a family of 6, with custody of our almost 7 yr. old grandson, Jaysen. He is a VERY sweet, loving boy born with hydrocephalus.

{Hydrocephalus- an accumulation of serous fluid within the cranium, especially in infancy, due to obstruction of the movement of cerebrospinal fluid, often causing great enlargement of the head; water on the brain.}

This condition has, after numerous surgery's at his very first few months of life, left him with a great deal of disabilities. One is his ability to not be able to walk. He is just now starting to put weight on his legs, with the help of his "stander" but he is limited to only being "forced", so to speak to stand. But with no ability to move or learn to walk in. We have found a walker for Jaysen to actually help him to learn to "walk" and not just stand!

We have found a Home, it is around 3500 sq. ft. the price to rent it is $650. per month. The rooms are big and so are the doorways, which will make it easier for Jaysen to be able to learn to walk in the special walker. The Home also has a small building beside it for me to be able to open a small day care. Which will be my way of "giving back" to the community by offering dependable and trustworthy Child care for a few children at a rate far more affordable than the average daycare.

What our agenda to do with the money is to buy all equipment needed for Jaysen and his learning needs. Rent the home, pay the electric and gas for about a year in advance, fence a play area for Jaysen and the children in the day care, to insure the ability for us to save and be able to afford and keep this place for Jaysen to grow and Lord willing learn to walk. Also for us to rent a moving truck and "helpers", as Roy will not be able to do alot of heavy lifting or continuous...well he is not able to due a whole lot of anything continuously. With his 3 slipped disc's and 1 bulging disc and a knee with no cartilage he is VERY limited to his movements.

We will also be purchasing a wheelchair access van due to the tragedy of his present wheelchair having to be bungy strapped to the top of our van and it falling off and losing his head rest part and basically disfiguring the shape of his wheelchair.

The “tools” that parents need to make their job easier are not readily available. These are essential items that not only assist the parents in properly and safely caring for their special-needs child, but enhance the Quality-of-life for the child.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your desire to be a part of the growth and development and the progress of Jaysen's ability to learn to walk and better means of living! May God Bless you.

~ Country Mama ~

Saturday, February 14, 2015

The bug is finally leaving...

Well I think we are all just about better with this virus thing!!! Jaysen is finally starting to eat and communicate again after 5 days of doing nothing but sleeping! Bless his little heart, Jaysen & Esther got it the worst and kept it the longest. But Thank the Lord I think we are finally getting over it! I should be able to post pictures of the Reusable Bags and the Apron with Pot Holders on Tuesday or wednesday. The Giveaway is still undergo I have extended it till Feb. 28th. So hurry and get your entry/entries in!!!    

~ Country Mama ~  

Friday, February 13, 2015

Oh this sickness...

I am SO ready for this sickness to be over!!!! For 3 weeks now "SOMEONE" in our house has been sick with that virus, we keep passing it back and forth to each other. I couldn't post pictures of the items for the giveaway today it will be on Monday. And I believe if no one has commented yet on my website I may extend the giveaway by a week or two! Well I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend and may all this sickness GO AWAY!!!

~ Country Mama ~

 Image result for hearts & daisies

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Been a very bad 2 weeks!!!

For 2 weeks now "someone" in our family has been sick and now Esther, Jaysen and I have it again! I took them to the doctors yesterday and he put them on antibiotics. I think it's drafty in that trailer and also I guess I will have to disinfect the place when I get better myself! Maybe Thursday or Friday. Do not forget my giveaway. So come on and post!!! Have a Great Day!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Water Resistant Grocery Bags...

I made one over the weekend and I love it! It is made from recycled items!!! Helping the enviroment any way I can!!! {Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!}

I think I will start selling them!!! I am thinking I will sell them for about...2 for $12.00. They are cute, durable and reusable, not to mention they are MADE from recycled plastic grocery bags and  left over material. 

 I am having a giveaway to help bring in more viewers. I am giving away 2 of these bags and then I will also be giving away an Apron with 2 matching oven mitts! {Print may vary!}

To enter the giveaways please leave me a comment and to get another entry then go by "Jaysen's Dream" and "share" on there and then for another entry "like" the page on there!!! And to get 2 entries then post about it on your Website and leave me a comment with the link to it! To get even another entry become a "follower" on my Website!

Thank You and Good Luck! The cgiveaway starts today Feb. 9, 2015 and will end on Feb. 23, 2015. The winner will be announced on Feb. 24th and the bags will be shipped out on Feb. 25th.

~ Country Mama ~

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Our "WHY" as to our intentions...

Below are a couple of pictures that will show "why" we are so desperate to move. The first one is showing our VERY small space and if you notice the vent on the floor, well that is the purpose of the other picture. It is of Jaysen's head after rolling over the vent and gashing open his head to where we had to take him to the hospital for them to glue his cut together. He then reopened it a little last night and I could not let him down to roll because I wanted his head to heal and he hates to be confined, ya know?! It brakes my heart to see he is so limited in his growth and development because we are limited in space for him to grow! Well it would not let me post the pictures of our place and Jaysen's head, not sure why, but I do have them posted here at Jaysen's Dream. Go up to the right side of his picture and it will give you a scroll to see the different pictures. Below ARE 3 devices I have been talking to someone about for Jaysen and these are what we came up with right now...notice the price of the first one!!! Plus he needs alot of "open" space for these things. That is why we are looking for a bit bigger and more open place! The second and third picture is something I kinda saw on "Extreme Home Makeover" one time for another Special needs child. To install the zip cords {kinda} in the ceiling and hook the vest up to it and he can be free to roam around the house as the cords allow. Hence the amount of money needed to install this in and the space needed! 

{Teach a child to walk or provide assistive gait training in a more natural and hands-free way wediatrician recommended Walking Wings, Luminator and Suspension Walkers.

Walking Wings - eSpecial Needs $1,5000.00     
   Walking Wings - eSpecial Needs Walking Wings - eSpecial NeedsWalking Wings - eSpecial Needs$25.00      
Not sure about the zip cord        

Luminator Anterior Gait Trainer$700.00
Thank You for your visiting and learning about our special case/need! 
~Christian Country Mama~


Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Mom's Influence

All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother"
"I regard no man as poor who has a godly mother."
-Abraham Lincoln

"Youth fades; love droops, the leaves of friendship fall;
a mother's secret hope outlives them all."
- Oliver Wendell Holmes

It never fails when talking with a group a woman that someone says (although they wish they could) "no one can live up to the Proverbs 31 standard". I think we can, we must acknowledge though to our shame that she is a precious commodity and hard to find. This doesn't mean you can't be a great mom! Ladies we must dedicate ourselves to being a wonderful Mother. The following is not exhasustive by any means, just a few things to add to your 'to do' list.

M - Magnificent Imagination!
We need to me changeable to meet others needs. It is a well-known fact that mother is the 1st person to establish goals in a young person's mind. Long gone is the generation of self-entertainment, gone are the books, the games etc. Mom we have to get back to the basics, get down to their level and play with your kids. Washing sheets today? Why not take a little extra time and take that flat sheet whip it over the kitchen table and play 'tent' with your child today? They will not forget how cool mom is LOL!
O - Open Identification and Devotion
Not intimidated to stand in the shadows while her family excels due to her training, yet is willing to stand and proclaim her devotion to her family and the Lord Jesus Christ w/o apology.
T - Total Dedication!
In our society today the big goal is to be a multi-tasker, when I think about this I don't think it is anything-new LOL! I have been a multi-tasker since the day I married. However, today the term is used for women that hold jobs, positions outside of the home and still manage to put food on the table. Yes, this is all possible, sometimes even necessary in given situations. The truth of the matter is though if you want to be the best mom you can be that only comes with being there 27/7. I have a sewing business IN my home and there are days when I can see that IT needs to be let go to be there for my family.
H - Hopeful Expectations
Consider Hannah with Samuel, she most likely realized that there was a good future in this for her son. We need to be in constant prayer for our children. There is nothing wrong with expecting our children to serve God and to do right!
E - External Jubilation
SMILE, remember to show some happiness. A husband holds the house together, a wife is the weaver, and we set the mood in the home. There are times you will not feel like being happy then just FAKE IT. The Bible says to 'put on' .. Do so, get excited about spiritual things. You can always be happy in your salvation Amen.
R - Righteously Regulated
No matter how good it was the way you were raised, or how poorly things were, we all need to 'pattern' our lives according to what God has to say. Break the mold; the mold is no excuse. We cannot be regulated by our past. The Word of God must regulate us.
My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw... All I am I owe to my mother... I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.
-George Washington

 Mom of 9's Place

Don't forget about our 2 Fundraisers...

One is for Jaysen and the other is the Mission Trip  but if it involves children than they are ALL important really! The “tools” that parents need to make their job easier are not readily available. These are essential items that not only assist the parents in properly and safely caring for their special-needs child, but enhance the Quality-of-life for the child. I mean how much do we blow money everyday? Why not skip a day or two of eating out and invest in the future of a child!!!

Woman The Homemaker

I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house,
give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.
1Timothy 5:14

Please let me say this first, what you read here in no way disagrees with what I wrote earlier about a woman’s purpose. In our purpose to "help" our husbands, our homes should be in order. Whether we live in a car, boat house...in order to keep that man happy and complete him the way we were intended to...where we "lay our hat" so to speak, is all included. To rear with children He blesses us with, to provide a place that is a retreat for the man God sent us to.

1. We find here that with one sweep of the pen the Divine Spirit unfolds His plan and purpose for the woman.
2. God’s plan for the woman is homemaking. There is no higher goal that women may desire or achieve. There is no nobler calling for her upon earth. Within her god-appointed realm she moves as a queen; outside that realm in rebellion she is trouble.

3. More instructions to the homemaker are given in Titus 2:4,5--That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, (5) To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

4. There is a basic problem related to the crumbling family structure in America that is generally overlooked. That basic problem is that we have more homeforsakers than we have homemakers. According to statistics I have read--only 25% of American households have a working father as the whole source of income.That means that 75% of American homes are functioning contrary to and in rebellion of God’s order for the home.

I can’t tell you how many times I have been approached by ladies who are so stressed out (the ones I speak of here work outside the home) and can’t understand why …they often come to me because they think with 9 children I must have the secret for the peace they are searching for.

The answer to this stress is simple. Let the women go back home where God wants them, and let them be what God intends for them to be-HOMEMAKERS!

1. A homemaker is, “one whose occupation is household management (Webster)
This is God’s instructions to the women in 1 Timothy 5:14, ”guide the house”and Titus 2:5 “keepers at home”. An occupation is that which occupies or engages one’s time and attention. There is no such thing as an accidental home. Homes are the result of those who are occupied with homemaking.

2. There is a growing need for strong churches, but it is not possible to have strong churches without strong homes. It is not possible to have strong homes without homemakers.

3. A good Old Testament example of a homemaker is found in Genesis 18:9-And they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, Behold, in the tent. Abraham didn’t wonder where his wife was, and he didn’t have to go check. He answered quickly, “Behold in the tent.”Abraham and Sarah had no children as yet at this time, but her place was still “in the tent” a homemaker.

4. Homemaking is a full-time job; it reminds me of that old adage “Mans work is from sun to sun, a woman’s work is never done”. (My mom was a wise ol gal)

5. Homemaking requires a character of strict discipline and the gumption to press on day after day, and to do the numberless chores, tasks and duties. The reason many have rebelled at their God-appointed place is because they are just plain lazy; another is they don’t really care about anything but themselves; and then there’s the sin of covetousness, wanting to be like the “Jones’s”!

6. Listen ladies, Homemaking is a profession of its own. In proverbs 31:10-31 we find an account of a homemaker-

A. She is classified as a virtuous woman (v. 10)
B. She is a help to her husband (v. 11-12).
C. She is a wise shopper (v.13-14).
D. She is a faithful cook (v. 16).
E. She has things growing at home (v. 16).
F. She is diligent (v.17, 18, & 28).
G. She is busy with sewing (v.19).
H. She is full of compassion (v. 20).
I. She looks ahead for the family- not taken by surprise. (v. 21-22).


One reward reserved only for the homemaker is seen Proverbs 31:28a: ”Her children arise up and call her blessed”. Another is found later in that same verse; ”her husband also, and he praiseth her.”

Oh, the beauty of such a queen! It’s the beauty of the soul shining through the face. The saddest sight is a woman who has spent her youth worshipping her beauty and her face. Her charms begin to vanish. She tries to cover the wrinkles and hide them, the footprints remain and she can not hide them. There is a beauty that remains in the life of one who has ruled well that wrinkles cannot tarnish. When one has been in the will of God. This beauty does not escape because of time. When in the will of God, you’re beautiful. You have the beauty of one who sat upon the throne. Have you ever stopped to think about this? When the Bible talks about the beauty of Jesus, it doesn’t say His hair was coal black. When it talks about how beautiful Jesus is, it doesn’t say His hair was golden blond. No, when it talks about the loveliness of our Saviour, it says His hair was white as snow!

Yours is a lofty calling. Yes you can fight for your rights, equal pay for equal jobs. You can don your pants and go to the factory, or even be Mayor or some such thing. But whatever throne you trade for the one you belong in will be a step down for sure. For she who rules the place God made for her-rules the greatest!

OK, so here is my challenge to you, go back to your home and realize the position that God has given to you. Grab your scepter! Maybe it is a spatula, a stirring spoon, look at them and say, “ your not a spatula…you’re a scepter". We need to come to a place in our lives when we see where we have fallen short…and say to God “You’re RIGHT--I’m WRONG! And surrender all to Him.

Ladies please don’t misunderstand, I know there are circumstances sometimes that prohibit us from being able to be the homemaker that God wants us to be. There are broken homes, and not always because we as women have been the reason. There are some of you that have husbands who insist you work. Only God can change these situations…I have written this not to “point a finger”, but rather in love with a desire to show others what the Lord has shown me through the years. Blessings to all.

Mom of 9's Place

Woman Our Purpose

I'm probably going to say some things here that will disappoint many. There are some that may look back over the years and say "man I really blew it" I'm not writing the following to scold for failures, but rather to help those who are young enough to put into practice what God wills for their life, and also to those of us who are in our middle years that still have time to change some things, in order to please God and find a peace that only being in His will can bring.

I'm sure we can all agree that God made everything on purpose. He makes nothing by accident. Nothing is happy until it finds the purpose for which God has make it. Seems like all we hear these days is "I want my rights". Everyone is talking this way....but what about my purpose..my purpose..or my place..my place. That is what I want to address here.

You have only one right in life. And that is to find God's will and purpose for your life. Then sit securely and work actively right in the center of God's purpose and place for you. It is really the only way to find contentment. To be in the will of God is the highest honor given us. God has a specific purpose for each of His creatures. So, God then has a purpose for women.

First let me say that God didn't create man for you. Yep! you heard me right. God created you to be a help meet for man. You see ladies, I believe God saved the best for last....woman....created after everything else..Because man was incomplete...He had it all there in the garden. Every perfect thing and direct fellowship with God. But God saw that something was missing...He wanted Adam to have the best of everything, every desire met. So, to top off a perfect world He created woman FOR THE MAN.

Man needed someone to see how much he could lift and to say "My you are strong". But there was no one, Maybe he took a lap around the garden and there was no one to say.."Wow, you are the fastest runner I know!" God made woman to sit on the sidelines and cheer when a man succeeds. God made a woman to sit in the audience while her husband preaches and say. "That’s the best preacher in the world". That is why God made woman. He made her to be man's help meet. God made woman for man! The word "help meet" means "completer." Like finishing a circle...a completion. No, God didn't see a child needing care and say "I'm going to send somebody down to take care of that child". He didn't say "that baby needs a diaper change, I'll create someone to take care of that". Nor did He say "there's a dirty house, I'll send someone to clean". And as much as we would like to believe this He didn't say, "I'm going to send her down for man to love and protect". God didn't send you down to be helped; God sent you down to help

For those of you who have been blessed with the joy of a child, I'm sure there was a time where you thought, "this is flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone and blood of my blood," and from experience I know what a sweet time that is. What a blessing! But that is not why God made you. You did not fulfil the purpose of being a woman that day. God did bless us with the ability to have children, but that is not the main reason for your existence. You can be a good mother and be a failure. You can be the best mother who ever lived and still be a failure.

God looked down and saw that man was not a complete package. He saw that he could not make it by himself and God said, "I'm going to make someone to complete him. Like a noun with no verb. Like a three sided square. There was something missing in man so He made you to complete him. That is your purpose. So, that being the case, God made you to be the aggressor. Yes, woman is to be the weaker vessel

1Pe 3:7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel,

But man has more need than woman does.

Let's put it this way, woman comes to an incomplete man, completes him, and then reaps the benefits. That's her job-to be the aggressor, to complete man so he can lead her, but he needs woman to start him! How do we do this? Take interest in his job...not just the paycheck..learn ask questions...let him know how important you feel whatever he does is. Does he like sports? Whatever he enjoys act interested. Be supportive. If he catches a 6-inch fish, say "wow that is a whale. hehe

Of course there isn't a "women's libber alive that sees any truth in what I'm trying to say here. Do you know what these women's libbers are? They are a group of confused women trying to find happiness and failing because they are searching outside of God's Word and God's plan. They say, "I have my rights too". No they don't-not yet! A woman does not have any right in this world until she's done this. Check it in the Bible; Always in the Bible she is to be the follower;

Eph 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
Then in verse 25;

Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
Who's supposed to start it? The wives! In Ephesians 6:1 we find,
Eph 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. and then in verse 4, Eph 6:4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
What does that mean? God gives the command first to the follower. He says, "I want the wife to do her job first". That means He wants the child to obey the first. That means He wants the child to obey even if the dad is never the right kind of dad. To obey regardless! Now lets look at another example from the Word of God,
Eph 6:5 Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ;
and then in verse 9 the masters are exhorted to be good masters. God always puts on the follower the burden of having the initiative and the being aggressive. Wives, you do it first. Children, you do it first. Servants you do it first.

He wasn't made to help you in the home, but if he does that is an added blessing, but it is not part of God's plan. You were made for him not the other way around. Man's main business is outside the home, woman’s in. It’s our domain, our castle. So he doesn’t clean, give you the attention that you crave, well the Bible doesn’t say he's supposed to do that. You be what you ought to be so you can make your man to be what he ought to be to you.

At this point right here I would love to address how we should raise our daughters...but that is for another page (smiles). Let me just say here that we should be setting an example that says to our girls...I am in the will of God...show them how to spoil their dad, so one day it will come natural to be the help meet that God intends them to be.

Now I suppose that there are some young ladies out there that are wondering how all this should concern them now. Well girls, there is a father in your home, a boss at work, a preacher who needs your prayers, your obedience, start now where God has you and then when your TIME comes, the natural thing will be to do that which God has ordained. Are you praying for the right man? For someone who will love the Lord more than he loves you? That is what makes it all work. Pray ask God to open and shut the doors of your heart when need be. It is not all looks, believe me the Bible is so right when it says...
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jer. 17:9  

Woman The Determiner

Ge 2:21-24 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. 25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

The Lord chose to compare a family with the Trinity. In so doing, He called the head of the family, the man, after His own name, Father. Then He likened the children in the family to His own Son. The second named person in the trinity. So, we have in the family a person who represents God the Father, and we have a person who represents God the Son. By process of elimination, we come to realize who represents the Holy Spirit in the family. There is only one person left, and that’s the lady. That means that you-the woman, wife, mother—represent the Holy Spirit. If you would like to find your duties in life, just find in the Bible what the Holy Spirit is supposed to do. He comforts; so does Mother. He teaches; so does Mother. He instructs; so does Mother. He leads; so does Mother. Think of all the ministries the Holy Spirit has in the world. He’s the unseen One; so is Mother. He is the one who gives the others attention; so does Mother. If you want to know what your duties are in the family, all you have to do is find out the duties of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity, for you are the Holy Spirit of the home.

All that God had made before man was made for man. Man had not yet learned to sigh and weep. This was the Garden of Eden. God had made it and the entire universe for one person—man! Man had everything he would need, it seemed, in this world of his, and yet something was missing.

Adam needed someone to share with him these beauties. Adam needed someone to whom he could say, “Look at the stars! Aren’t they pretty?” Adam needed someone that he could share the beautiful garden with. He longed for fellowship with a kindred soul; one who had wants and joys like his own. Adam needed sombody, and God made her, and here she comes dressed in all the beauty that a human being can possess.

I’ve heard it said before that woman was not taken from man’s head to lord over him, nor from his heel to be crushed by him. But this magnificent creation of God was taken from man’s rib, near his heart, so she could be loved and protected by him.

There she is Miss Universe! She was created because all of the perfection of the Garden did not give Adam what he needed.There she stands with the beauty of Sarah as she made Abraham her lord, with the courage of Deborah as she stood beside Barak in the battle against the enemy, with the unselfishness of Hannah as she prayed for and reared her son, with the devotion of Rizpah as she vowed to protect even the dead bodies of her own, with the royalty of Esther as she stood before the king and spared a nation. There she is again with the grace of Lydia, the poise of Mary, the humility of Phoebe, the friendship of Dorcas, the faith of Rhoda, the ambition of Salome. The patience of Anna, the loveliness of Rachel, the love of Jochebed, the gentleness of Elisabeth…I’m sure you get the idea.

Take all the good from all the good women of the Word of God and there ladies, is what God intended us to be. However, we must be very careful because in the loveliness of this woman is also the potential for ugliness. In her joy is the potential for sadness. In her grace is the potential for selfishness. In humility the potential for pride. In her submission is the potential for rebellion. In her faith the potential for doubt. Though she is lovely and though all the good qualities of all the women in the Bible are potentially hers, there is another potential that she possesses. She bears in her the potential of Michal who hated her husband and laughed at him because he got happy and shouted when the ark of the covenant came back to God’s people.

She can if she chooses, possess the rebellion of Jezebel, who fell and with her took a nation. She owns the seed of the selfishness of Athaliah, who could kill her own grandchildren for her own rights and privileges.To me it is just as hard to believe that this beautiful queen of the garden could possess in her the hatred of Herodias, who had John the Baptist’s head served in a platter! Or like Rahab, who could sell her body to the hands and lusts of wicked men. What I’m saying here is behind that smile dwells the possibility of hatred OR the disposition of Abigail.

Ladies it’s up to you as it was to Eve, to decide, for there is in your being all the loyalty of Sarah, the loveliness of Rachel, the tenderness of Mary the servitude of Martha, and on and on. BUT there is also a bit of Jezebel, Athalia, Michal, and others …It is up to you to decide. Whether it be good or bad, there is one thing that woman always does; she determines the spirit and the atmosphere of any place where she is present.

We were not made to build the house, run the store, or office..It is the woman’s job to determine the atmosphere while the house is built…..Though it is not her job to run the store, it is her duty to make happy the one who does build the house and run the store. Ladies I don’t think we understand completely how the atmosphere is determined by us. A womans spirit determines the peace of the home, the spirit of the office, the unity of the church, the reputation of the pastor.. the health of her husband and the joy of her children. We are not the one whose name is put in the headlines on the paper. We are the one who makes man have a delightful place to be. It’s our spirit. Our attitude, our disposition.

I can’t tell you how many women have told me in all seriousness that they have no self worth. I tell them this; Some women are not mentioned by name in the Bible—the Shunammite woman, the little maid that pointed Naaman toward the man of God, the widow who gave two mites, and others. I tell them that the truth of the matter is we are not made to have our name in headlines, break the records, win the wars and fight battles, God made us for a specific purpose.
Jesus Christ is the one who is exalted in preaching, but the Holy Spirit is the one who causes our attention to turn toward Him. The Gospel gets people saved, but the unseen power of the Holy Spirit is felt in the services. And that’s what we are! The determiner- the unseen one.

The next time you are prone to think, “ I’m not important, nobody appreciates me,” remember that you are the one in the family that typifies the One in the Trinity that nobody appreciates either. His job is as the spotlight that is covered by the bushes, but it shines upon the building so that all may see the building. It is our job to be the unseen one, that comforter, that Holy Spirit.

Take your Bible, look up the term Holy Spirit, and find all He does. Then decide that you are going to do what He does. Get alone somewhere with God and tell Him…”Oh God thank you for making me a woman…help me to be the kind of woman you need. I’m satisfied with being a woman. That where I go things will become brighter.

Another Fundraiser...

Go to this link and see about the "NEED" for this Sweet Boy! https://www.giveforward.com/fundraiser/fnk7/jaysen-s-dream-
Ain't he the cutest thing you ever saw?!