Ge 2:21-24 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam,
and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead
thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman,
and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and
flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his
wife: and they shall be one flesh. 25 And they were both naked, the man and his
wife, and were not ashamed.
The Lord chose to compare a
family with the Trinity. In so doing, He called the head of the family, the man,
after His own name, Father. Then He likened the children in the family to His
own Son. The second named person in the trinity. So, we have in the family a
person who represents God the Father, and we have a person who represents God
the Son. By process of elimination, we come to realize who represents the Holy
Spirit in the family. There is only one person left, and that’s the lady. That
means that you-the woman, wife, mother—represent the Holy Spirit. If you would
like to find your duties in life, just find in the Bible what the Holy Spirit is
supposed to do. He comforts; so does Mother. He teaches; so does Mother. He
instructs; so does Mother. He leads; so does Mother. Think of all the ministries
the Holy Spirit has in the world. He’s the unseen One; so is Mother. He is the
one who gives the others attention; so does Mother. If you want to know what
your duties are in the family, all you have to do is find out the duties of the
Holy Spirit in the Trinity, for you are the Holy Spirit of the home.
All that God
had made before man was made for man. Man had not yet learned to sigh and weep.
This was the Garden of Eden. God had made it and the entire universe for one
person—man! Man had everything he would need, it seemed, in this world of his,
and yet something was missing.
Adam needed someone to share with
him these beauties. Adam needed someone to whom he could say, “Look at the
stars! Aren’t they pretty?” Adam needed someone that he could share the
beautiful garden with. He longed for fellowship with a kindred soul; one who had
wants and joys like his own. Adam needed sombody, and God made her, and here she
comes dressed in all the beauty that a human being can possess.
I’ve heard it said before that woman was not taken from man’s head
to lord over him, nor from his heel to be crushed by him. But this magnificent
creation of God was taken from man’s rib, near his heart, so she could be loved
and protected by him.

There she is Miss Universe! She was
created because all of the perfection of the Garden did not give Adam what he
needed.There she stands with the beauty of Sarah as she made Abraham her lord,
with the courage of Deborah as she stood beside Barak in the battle against the
enemy, with the unselfishness of Hannah as she prayed for and reared her son,
with the devotion of Rizpah as she vowed to protect even the dead bodies of her
own, with the royalty of Esther as she stood before the king and spared a
nation. There she is again with the grace of Lydia, the poise of Mary, the
humility of Phoebe, the friendship of Dorcas, the faith of Rhoda, the ambition
of Salome. The patience of Anna, the loveliness of Rachel, the love of Jochebed,
the gentleness of Elisabeth…I’m sure you get the idea.
Take all the
good from all the good women of the Word of God and there ladies, is what God
intended us to be. However, we must be very careful because in the loveliness of
this woman is also the potential for ugliness. In her joy is the potential for
sadness. In her grace is the potential for selfishness. In humility the
potential for pride. In her submission is the potential for rebellion. In her
faith the potential for doubt. Though she is lovely and though all the good
qualities of all the women in the Bible are potentially hers, there is another
potential that she possesses. She bears in her the potential of Michal who hated
her husband and laughed at him because he got happy and shouted when the ark of
the covenant came back to God’s people.

She can if she chooses, possess the
rebellion of Jezebel, who fell and with her took a nation. She owns the seed of
the selfishness of Athaliah, who could kill her own grandchildren for her own
rights and privileges.To me it is just as hard to believe that this beautiful
queen of the garden could possess in her the hatred of Herodias, who had John
the Baptist’s head served in a platter! Or like Rahab, who could sell her body
to the hands and lusts of wicked men. What I’m saying here is behind that smile
dwells the possibility of hatred OR the disposition of Abigail.
Ladies it’s
up to you as it was to Eve, to decide, for there is in your being all the
loyalty of Sarah, the loveliness of Rachel, the tenderness of Mary the servitude
of Martha, and on and on. BUT there is also a bit of Jezebel, Athalia, Michal,
and others …It is up to you to decide. Whether it be good or bad, there is one
thing that woman always does; she determines the spirit and the atmosphere of
any place where she is present.
We were not made to build the
house, run the store, or office..It is the woman’s job to determine the
atmosphere while the house is built…..Though it is not her job to run the store,
it is her duty to make happy the one who does build the house and run the store.
Ladies I don’t think we understand completely how the atmosphere is determined
by us. A womans spirit determines the peace of the home, the spirit of the
office, the unity of the church, the reputation of the pastor.. the health of
her husband and the joy of her children. We are not the one whose name is put in
the headlines on the paper. We are the one who makes man have a delightful place
to be. It’s our spirit. Our attitude, our disposition.
I can’t tell
you how many women have told me in all seriousness that they have no self worth.
I tell them this; Some women are not mentioned by name in the Bible—the
Shunammite woman, the little maid that pointed Naaman toward the man of God, the
widow who gave two mites, and others. I tell them that the truth of the matter
is we are not made to have our name in headlines, break the records, win the
wars and fight battles, God made us for a specific purpose.
Jesus Christ is
the one who is exalted in preaching, but the Holy Spirit is the one who causes
our attention to turn toward Him. The Gospel gets people saved, but the unseen
power of the Holy Spirit is felt in the services. And that’s what we are! The
determiner- the unseen one.

The next time you are prone to think, “
I’m not important, nobody appreciates me,” remember that you are the one in the
family that typifies the One in the Trinity that nobody appreciates either. His
job is as the spotlight that is covered by the bushes, but it shines upon the
building so that all may see the building. It is our job to be the unseen one,
that comforter, that Holy Spirit.
Take your Bible, look up the term Holy Spirit, and find
all He does. Then decide that you are going to do what He does. Get alone
somewhere with God and tell Him…”Oh God thank you for making me a woman…help me
to be the kind of woman you need. I’m satisfied with being a woman. That where I
go things will become brighter.